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Crowdfunding Platform For Frankfurt, Germany

0% platform fee, so let’s start
Crowdfunding in Frankfurt, Germany, is very easy. With the help of the WhyDonate platform, you can create a Fundraising campaign as an Individual or organisation for Free.

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About WhyDonate

WhyDonate is a global fundraising platform that connects charities with donors in an efficient, relevant, and fun way. We are one of the most trusted European crowdfunding platforms with more than 10+ Years of Experience and Trust in crowdfunding. Our goal is to provide fundraisers with a suitable platform where they can achieve their goals.

Crowdfunding Frankfurt

Best Crowdfunding Platforms In Frankfurt, Germany

Through crowdfunding, individuals and groups can raise money for their projects. Raising money from a crowd works by using the combined efforts of various people, such as friends and family, investors, and social media users. In Germany, the rise of crowdfunding platforms has prompted the need for regulations to protect investors, promote transparency, and foster a healthy crowdfunding ecosystem.

Crowdfunding Frankfurt

Personal crowdfunding can be a powerful tool for individuals in Germany to fund their dreams and projects, but it’s important to approach it with responsibility and transparency. Always comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide a positive experience for your backers.  In Germany, personal crowdfunding is generally legal, but there may be tax implications depending on the nature of your project and the amount of money raised.

Here’s A Brief Overview Of A Crowdfunding Campaign:

  1. Decide on your objective and the amount you want to raise. Who will gain from it? What is the purpose of the campaign? Answers to these questions should be written down.
  2. Select the crowdfunding site that best fits your objectives and financial constraints. Consider what assistance you require in running your campaign and how the platform can assist you.
  3. Setting Up Crowdfunding Campaign
  • Register At WhyDonate 
  • Input Fundraising Details 
  • Tell Your Story 
  • Customise Your Donation Page 
  • Keep Adding Updates To Your Donation Page 
  • Thank Your Donors

The crowdfunding tax depends on the project creator’s country location. For all individual project creators based in the European Union (EU), the VAT of their country of residency is applied to the commission rates mentioned in the above document. Consult with a tax advisor or legal expert to ensure you are in compliance with German tax laws.

Many Crowdfunding sites charge for fundraising, but If you are doing crowdfunding in Frankfurt, then WhyDonate is the best pocket-friendly choice. WhyDonate offers free donation page creation with no platform fee. However, there are some minimal payment processing fees that payment service providers charge to providers.

How to start a fundraiser?

Follow these 4 simple steps

Crowdfunding Frankfurt

1. Start A Fundraiser
Sign up on WhyDonate and create your fundraiser in minutes. Sign up as a person or an organisation.

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2. Share Your Fundraiser
Share your fundraiser via Email, WhatsApp and other social media channels to reach as many donors as possible.

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3. Receive The Donations
The donations are paid out automatically to your bank account on a monthly basis without any platform cost.

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4. Thank Your Donors
Customize the automated “Thank You” email or send a personal message to your donors via the WhyDonate dashboard.

Crowdfunding Frankfurt

Start a Free Crowdfunding Campaign in Frankfurt

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Fundraising Platform Features

0% Platform Fee

WhyDonate charges 0% commission. You only pay the payment processing costs for iDEAL, PayPal, Bancontact, Credit Card etc.

Customer Support

Need help? WhyDonate customer service is accessible through chat, email, or scheduled telephone appointments. The service operates seven days a week, from 9 AM – 5 PM Central European Time (CET).

Raising Money Worldwide

Collect donations from all over the world. WhyDonate has multiple currencies, languages ​​and payment methods.


The extensive dashboard shows all data about your fundraisers, donors and payouts.

Crowdfunding Frankfurt

In addition to your own network, reach 850,000+ donors and 1,000,000+ visitors per month on WhyDonate.

Get Started Right Away

Register in minutes and start raising money online immediately.

Instant Payouts

Have donations paid out immediately or wait for the automatic weekly or monthly payout.

Custom Branding

Add your own custom branding and content to fundraisers, donation forms and emails.

Security And Privacy

WhyDonate ensures secure donations and data. All information is stored encrypted and recognized institutions secure payments.

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